Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Eels - Novacaine for the soul

This is one of my favourite music videos. I really like the idea of the floating band.
There is no diegetic sounds in the video, this makes it seem even more as if it is a dream or a fanstasy; along with the black and white effect.
Lots of close up and high angle shots of the band make them look over powering, in addition to the fact that they are all wearing black.
I really like the ending to this music video as they all stop floating and walk out of the passage way and into the street.
The genre of the eels (alternative) has elements of the same genre of my artist as it is quite tranquil; with this song by the eels is loosely alternative and not the typical alternative rock song that you would expect.
The costumes of the band is casual/informal which is the same costumes as my artist is wearing on my music video.

1 comment:

  1. I can see why you find this music video appealing. But I strongly suggest you add to the post by explaining the purpose of the camera shots and angles and how the music video represents aspects of genre re costume and the utilisation of black and white footage.

    To reflect evidence of knowledge and understanding you need to address the purpose of intertextual references in each of your researched music videos. This will increase your mark considerably.
